The Warrior polled two freshman, sophmore, junior, and senior divisions with questions that have boggled the minds of many students. Both guys and girls completed surveys about what they really think about the other gender.
91% of girls think a guy should make the first move
and grab their hand.
65% of girls think hats are attractive on guys.
83% of girls believe a good personality makes a guy
more attractive rather than physical appearance.
55% of girls notice a guy’s smile & laugh upon first meeting him. 25% of girls first notice a guy’s eyes; 20% notice his clothes.
52% of girls don’t mind texting a guy first to start conversation.
21% of guys like it better when a girl wears her hair up in a ponytail.
79% of guys prefer a girl who wears her hair down.
94% of guys prefer a girl who wears light eyeliner and mascara.
6% of guys prefer a girl who wears heavy eyeliner and mascara.
43% of guys prefer when a girl wears yoga pants and a sweatshirt.
57% of guys prefer when a girl wears jeans and a nice top.
89% of guys would rather date a girl who is cute and smart
rather than “hot” and dumb.
73% of guys think it would be a turn on if a random girl approached
them and said they were cute because it displays confidence.