LT Student App release scheduled for December

By Lara Sonuga, Editor-in-Chief

Lane students often have to scramble to various places on the internet to find information that shouldn’t be difficult to access. It’s easy to get confused about where to find your number of demerits, grades from previous years, school-related news, contact information for teachers, and special bell schedules.

One Lane senior had a vision of compiling all of these resources and more into one web-based app, in a format that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate — and this concept will become a reality within the next two months.

Angel Carbajal, Div. 856, is a creator of web apps specifically designed to benefit Lane students.

Over the last year, his main focus has been on the LT Student App, a program that allowed students to view their future courses after registering for classes during second semester of the 2016-17 school year.

“That project didn’t fully come to fruition, in my opinion,” said Carbajal. “Last year, it was in beta testing. There were a lot of things that I wanted to include that just weren’t released.”

However, Carbajal and the Lane Tech Code Lab are actively working on expanding the features of the app, as well as working out the bugs that came from integrating Lane’s older systems into a more modern program.

The app, scheduled for re-release in December, is intended to be a “main hub” for students to access Lane-specific news and resources, according to Carbajal.

“I want to have alerts for news posts and such, and other resources,” he said. “Things like if you don’t know what to do when you’re absent and you need to find the absence form.”

One of Carbajal’s other concepts is a digitalized lost and found catalog for Lane students.

“It was supposed to be released last year, but I didn’t want to release it at the end of the year because it would have been pretty useless by then,” he said. “So I want to have that out by winter break, and there are a few other apps in development.”

His other projects include a site for DREAMers Club, a quiz app designed for internal use by Lane’s chemistry department, and another app that has yet to be announced.

“There’s this one huge project that I’ve worked on over the summer and I’d love to announce it now, but I don’t know if I have the permission to do so,” Carbajal said. “It will be going out before winter break, but it’s done, and I’m working with administration in order to get that project out there.”

As the app’s release date inches closer, Carbajal has gathered a group of new programmers to help him re-code all of his apps “from the ground up” and is still looking for other experienced programmers to join the Lane Tech Code Lab team.

“If there are any experienced developers out there who are interested in helping make apps for the school, please check out the site,” he said. “You can find more information on meetings and such there.”