EDITORIAL: Lori Lightfoot for Mayor

In the light of a new election, we face the choice to pick someone new or keep things the same.

From a high schooler’s perspective, one would run out of fingers and toes trying to count the number of times people have complained about veteran leadership.

In this upcoming election, a new candidate can bring the needed change that will transform the face of representation in Chicago.

That candidate is Lori Lightfoot.

Lightfoot’s campaign for a better Chicago has been in the works for some time. As a student, Lightfoot sat front and center in her classes while earning a bachelor’s degree at the University of Michigan and later a graduate degree at the University of Chicago. During the course of her studies she developed the determination and motivation needed to make a difference.

As a federal prosecutor, Lightfoot fought for transparency and better

leadership in the city when she prosecuted corrupt aldermen. This continued when she was appointed President of the Chicago Police Board and Chair of the Police Accountability Task Force, where she analyzed the practices of police departments and created a louder public voice in working to stop police misconduct.

What we find most unique and interesting about Lightfoot’s leadership and experience is that it doesn’t link her to the old ties and political machine of City Hall, which has corrupted our city for decades.

Unlike Toni Preckwinkle, Lightfoot is someone who doesn’t believe in political favors or patronage. She is the leader Chicago has been longing for.

Lightfoot is determined to continue to fight corruption and address the schooling and safety problems that have haunted our city.

She sees the need to dispose of aldermanic prerogative, the unwritten rule that gives aldermen the ability to control all of the zoning and developments in their ward. This archaic tool has been abused by many aldermen in the past.

One of Lightfoot’s first orders of business would be to hire a crisis manager, an essential position that Chicago currently does not have.

In her effort to revive our neighborhood school system, she intends to create an elected school board and to ensure that schools have social workers and counselors.

Lightfoot is also the best candidate to work to end gun violence in Chicago. She wants to create a new mayoral office for public safety and install new police reforms and practices to ensure residents can rebuild trust with the CPD.

Lightfoot plans to work towards promoting mental health services that aid the reintegration of ex-convicts into society.

Lightfoot wants to ensure safer streets in our neighborhoods so that Chicago residents can feel more involved in their city.

Lightfoot also wants to encourage young people to return to Chicago after college in order to stimulate the city’s economy,

As an Editorial Board, we ask you to cast your vote for change in Chicago, in our schools and on our streets.

We ask you to cast your vote for Lori Lightfoot.

Staff Editorials represent the majority view of The Warrior’s Editorial Board.