LSC addresses test scores and budget approvals after the CTU strike

Maryann Ress

Principal Tennison addresses a chart depicting the average student growth by grade level in percentile format for the PSAT 9, PSAT 10, and the SAT.

Lane’s Local School Council (LSC) conducted its third meeting of the 2019-20 school year on Nov. 21. Topics discussed included test score growth on the NWEA, PSAT, and SAT; fundraising by Friends of Lane and budget approvals.

Principal Report

Mr. Tennison discussed how Lane’s test scores compare to those of other schools. Lane is attempting to redesign the curriculum, so students don’t forget algebraic concepts that are evaluated while taking the SAT.

“We spend an entire year studying geometry, which is under-evaluated, while we spend an entire year away from algebra, which students are being highly evaluated on,” Tennison said.

Tennison is also keeping up with the future changes made to the SAT, to help prepare students to take it.

“If the tests change, then we are no longer going to be teaching the right curriculum,” Tennison said. “We are adopting new thinking to prepare our students for these types of tests.”

One of the ways Lane is trying to do this is a third SAT study course is going to be implemented, in addition to the two they already have.

“Now we have a crash course version that will be offered on three different Saturdays,” Tennison said.

Tennison also addressed how the strike has set students back in preparing for the coming PSAT.

“We are gonna take a hit on the PSAT scores coming up,” Tennison said. “When we compare growth, we are three to four weeks shy compared to other schools nationally.”

Other information included in Tennison’s Report:

  • The amount of out of school suspensions has decreased.
  • Freshmen are on track. 
  • The graduation rate has gone slightly up by .4%. 
  • College enrollment is at 89.3%.

Friends of Lane

Since the strike, Friends of Lane has launched its Annual Appeal Campaign. Despite the late start due to the strike, they are still hoping to reach their goal of $300,000.

Other announcements from Friends of Lane representative Chris Daniel:

  • Friends of Lane is looking forward to the upcoming open house and holiday luncheon, which is meant to give back to the staff and show support.
  • There is a focus on corporate sponsorship and corporate match programs.
  • There is a new format for the gala this year. Instead of “forced-giving,” it will instead be “fun-giving.” So, more fundraising is going to be based on raising money through fun activities.

Old Business

  • There is a need for more security cameras. The need for them increased after the threat found in the bathroom on Oct. 16. This was discussed during the LSC meeting on Oct. 16.


  • Three items were approved for the budget:
    • 20 new HD projectors ordered through CDW. The cost of appeal was $29,080.60.
    • 5,000 more student combination locks ordered through Grainger to be sold throughout the school year and for summer registration. The cost of appeal was $28,408.68. They are trying to be ordered now, so they arrive on time, as the locks are custom made for Lane.
    • The auditorium dressing rooms will be repainted. The cost of appeal was $19,478 which was lower than expected.