Editors’ Note: April 2018 Satire Issue

Dear readers,

On behalf of the entire Lane Tech Warrior staff, we want to thank all of you for your readership of our publication.

It has recently come to the attention of the editorial board, that a satirical article featured in the April 2018 edition of the Warrior, may have been presented in a way not intended by the writer or the staff.

We acknowledge that the article titled “New IDs for Lane Tech students!” and its satirical illustration, may have unintentionally drawn comparisons to the events and stories surrounding the Holocaust due to the placement of a barcode on the forearm in the illustration. The illustration was created separate from the story and was not a part of the writer’s original vision. The subject of criticism or humor in the satirical story was to criticize the idea of students being forced to keep buying new ID’s when they may have left it at home or misplaced it.

The Warrior always strives for accuracy and sensitivity, even in our annual light-hearted satirical edition, and we will work to make sure this type of error is not overlooked in the future.

Yours sincerely,